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‘Befriending Conflict’


The spirit of awareness in conflict facilitation


Three day seminar with Anup Karia, Dipl. PW and Stanya Studentova, Dipl. PW, 15 – 17 September 2017 in Prague


Conflicts in relationships are part of life and unavoidable yet we usually fear them or don’t know what to do, and they frequently cycle! We may find ourselves ‘falling’ into escalations more often than not - with our friends and families, partners, neighbours, bosses, employees, colleagues, the government, strangers on the bus, and/or we also are in conflict inside of ourselves. We also get swallowed up in the wider societal and world conflicts connected with our collective histories.


Anup Karia, Dipl. PW & Mgr. Stanya Studentova, Dipl. PW

Both of us – Anup Karia and Stanya Studentova are experienced facilitators in the field of conflict resolution and have been exploring and working with conflicts of our own and with those of  others – individuals, teams and organisations in Europe (especially Czech Republic & UK ) and the wider world for many years, and look forward to share from the rich well of our experience.




Venue: Prague



When:  Friday, 15 September, 4 p.m. – 8 p.m., Saturday, 16 September, 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Sunday, 17 September, 9:30  a.m. – 4 p.m.




3 400 CZK registration and payment by 15 July 2017

3 700 CZK registration and payment by 15 August 2017

3 900 CZK registration and payment by 15 September 2017



We offer limited count of donated spots for students, mothers/fathers on maternity leave and seniors. For more information, contact us on:



Language:  English with translation into Czech


Accomodation:  If you would like assistance to find a place to stay, please get in touch:



Contact person: Anna Audrlická, +420 776 688 922






3 days of student work in advanced phase of process-work study, working with clients under supervision of Ivan Verny, M.D. & Dipl. PW and Michal Wertheimer Shimoni, Dipl. PW

2 – 4 June 2018 in Osinalice







We cordially invite you to a supervising camp, where you will have opportunity to work intensely with different clients in “live mode” and have the work supervised and receive feedback. We will work in two separate (parallel) groups, each with one supervisor, or together. Supervision camp 2018 is an open platform for the students from the Czech school of processwork, as well as for the students from Slovakia or other countries.

At the same time we invite wholeheartedly participants of the courses organized by IPOP, to join this event as clients. They may join for one day only, or longer, according to their preferences. Clients will have an opportunity to work on own topics as well as learn about processwork through observation of the work of the others.

Organizational details:
: DoNitra, Osinalice 24, 277 21 Liběchov – former farm house not far from Prague. Accommodation is simple, in own sleeping bags in the stone house that is 250 y. old. The rooms will be differentiated by gender. If you prefer privacy, you can either camp in the tent on the garden, or book a room in the nearby farm.


Price (accommodation and meal not included) :
a) 1 day for supervised students: 60 EUR
b) 1 day for participants being in a role of a client only: 30 EUR

Accommodation: 10 EUR/ night; Meal: 15 EUR/day (breakfast, lunch, coffee-break, dinner)
Participants in the role of supervised students may attend for 2 days minimum.
For more information please write



When: Saturday, 2 June 2018 

            Sunday, 3 June 2018

            Monday, 4 June 2018



Enrolment: Please fill in the form to enrol



Introduction to process-oriented group work



Seminar with Stanya Studentova, Dipl. PW and Anup Karia, Dipl. PW,

3rd March 2019, Prague 







We cordially invite you to a seminar.

In October 2018 Czechs celebrated 100 years of Czechoslovakia. 

In today's intense social, political and ecological field, some questions are emerging:

How the past impacts on us? What dreams do we have about our present times and about the future and what would we like to leave for the next generations? Where do we belong? What the state represents for us, and how are we part of it? Do we feel that we have an impact or feel hopeless? …  Where do you take these questions? 


In this workshop, we’ll have an opportunity to discuss some of these questions. Individually, in pairs and in groups, we would explore the depths of our dreaming of solidarity with the nation, ancestors and own family, community and world in which we live and would like to live.

Organizational details:

Venue: Prague

When: 3rd March 2019   (9:30 am – 5:30 pm)



2 000 Kč registration and payment by 15. 1. 2019

2 100 Kč registration and payment by 5. 2. 2019

2 300 Kč registration and payment by 2. 3. 2019


We offer limited count of donated spots for students, mothers/fathers on maternity leave and seniors. For more information, contact us on:


Language:  English with translation into Czech


Accommodation:  If you would like assistance to find a place to stay, please get in touch:


Contact person: Oleg Šuk, 775 152 503,


Enrolment: Please fill in the form to enrol

Exploring process work with body symptoms and illness

A Free Taster Evening

                                    evening online seminar with Anup Karia (zoom platform)    

                                    Wednesday, 5:30pm - 7pm CET, July 22nd, 2020


Anup Karia, Dipl. PW.

Anup Karia is a senior faculty member of IPOP and is Director of the Processwork school in the UK. He teaches internationally and is a facilitator at heart working with individuals and groups in many capacities and is an accredited psychotherapist and supervisor.


Processwork brings together the wisdom of ancient shamanic traditions and Jungian psychology for practical application in body symptom work. There will be opportunities to show how to work with symptoms in a holistic way, unrevealing their meaning in both the person's life and possibly for the wide community. There will also be time to present some basic concepts of process-oriented dream-body work and a chance to ask some questions.

If you have a body symptom or illness and you'd like the opportunity to explore this please let us know (as time is limited not everyone may get an opportunity but it helps us to know).

The official part of the taster (1,5h) will be followed by half an hour of voluntary open discussion. Feel free to join and ask any questions. The event is free of charge, held in English.

This taster is not a pre-requisite for the weekend seminar, it is possible to enroll straightforward for the event in September, see below.

We are happy to support you in case of any concerns or questions, if you need any further assistance, please do contact us at

Looking forward to seeing you and to exploring together. Please enroll here.

The Body and the World!

Processwork’s contribution to embodied awareness

                                    Online 3days seminar with Anup Karia, Dipl. PW 

                                    11th – 13th September 2020, Prague


Anup Karia, Dipl. PW.

Anup Karia is a senior faculty member of IPOP and is Director of the Processwork school in the UK. He teaches internationally and is a facilitator at heart working with individuals and groups in many capacities and is an accredited psychotherapist and supervisor.


Our symptoms and illnesses don’t just exist in isolation within our bodies but are part of the social, cultural and political field in which we live.


The world is in us, and we are in the world! Symptoms are our bodies and the world dreaming! They tell us about the power dynamics in our society and contain the keys to living our deepest truth and purpose as co-creators in this world.


In this seminar we will explore inner awareness practices which combine everyday reality, the creative fluidity of ‘dream-like’ body experiences, and insights that have a deeper essence quality connecting us with the larger universe.


There will a constant interplay between hands-on experiential practice, theory and skills training.  We will explore ideas from both Arnold Mindell’s original discovery of the ‘dream body’ concept to his most recent developments


Focus will be on:

•Mind-body awareness of one’s subtlest body experiences and how to make this useful when working with others.

•Unfolding emerging patterns behind body symptoms, including chronic symptoms and link with individuation.

•Collective issues and health - how dynamics of privilege and oppression relate to health

This seminar is for you if you are someone interested in their own body experience as a source of awareness and direction and/or if you are a facilitator, therapist, psychologist, counselor, coach or bodyworker;

Organizational details:

Venue: on-line via ZOOM 


11th – 13th September 2020

(Friday 9.30-16.00   Saturday 9.30-17.30   Sunday 9.30 -13.00)


4 400 CZK registration and payment by 10 July 2020

4 700 CZK registration and payment by 10 August 2020

5 000 CZK registration and payment by 10 September 2020

Registration: Please fill the online registration form and we will provide you with all the necessary information.

Language: English with simultaneous translation into Czech

Contact person: Stanislav Háša,

It’s All in the Family


A Process Work Approach to Working with Children and Families


Two day seminar with Dawn Menken, Ph.D., certified Processworker,

10 – 11 April 2018 in Prague 


This two-day workshop is for those who work with children and families and would like to add a process work approach to their toolbox. It is also useful for parents who want to learn more about the dynamics of their own family. Based on the pioneering work of Dr. Arnold Mindell, Process Work with children and families reveals the inherent wisdom within problems and brings a spirit of play and curiosity.

Dawn Menken, Ph.D., certified Processworker 

has been working with individuals, couples and families for over 30 years. She is the author of the award winning book, Raising Parents Raising Kids: Hands-on Wisdom for the Next Generation. She is a teacher in the Graduate program at the Process Work Institute in Portland, Oregon and is a conflict resolution educator, coach and facilitator. Dawn offers school programs that address bullying, diversity issues, and life skills. She is the creator and director of Teens Rise Up (TRU), a summer youth leadership program. A dynamic teacher with a sharp mind and playful spirit, Dawn enjoys working with people from all cultures and backgrounds.  For more information see her website:


Venue: Prague   (Czech Republic)

When: Tueseday, 10 April 2018 

             Wednesday, 11 April 2018


170 EUR registration and payment by 31 December 2017

200 EUR registration and payment by 28 February 2018

220 EUR registration and payment after 28 February 2018


We offer limited count of donated spots for students, mothers/fathers on maternity leave and seniors. For more information, contact us on:


Registration: For foreign and English speaking applicants, please fill the online registration form and we well provide you with all the necessary information.


Accomodation: If you would like assistance to find a place to stay, please get in touch:


Contact person: Oleg Šuk, +420 775 152 503




accessing our life force in the ‘ordinary and the extra ordinary



Seminar with Stanya Studentova, Dipl. PW and Anup Karia, Dipl. PW,

14th – 16th September 2018, Prague 







We cordially invite you to a seminar.

Do you sometimes feel ‘life is slipping away’ or you feel stuck in old patterns… it maybe that you’re not in touch with what really moves you and matters…. Movement is the core of Processwork because, the term ‘process’ means the flow of experience or the movement which is inherent in life and nature. Unfolding movement signals is the most rapid access to our ‘deeper dreaming’.


During our life,we learn to walk or move properly, but not to follow our unique, mysterious and unpredictable movement signals. It is all too easy to focus on those aspects of movement that we favour or like, and to ignore the movements which are unintentional, distasteful, fleeting or which we simply don’t understand. Paying attention to unintentional or disturbing movements help us to facilitate new perspectives that can be transformative in every day life situations including moods, relationship difficulties and collective/group disturbances. It is a way to truly connect with the force of nature which is moving through us and have fun along the way!


We will learn and practice Processwork’s unique way of working with movement including exploring processes behind long term body positions and altered states or trances we get into without noticing.

Organizational details:

Venue: Prague

When: 14th – 16th September 2018 (Friday 4pm to Sunday 4pm)



3 600 CZK registration and payment by 15 July 2018

3 900 CZK registration and payment by 15 August 2018

4 200 CZK registration and payment by 15 September 2018


We offer limited count of donated spots for students, mothers/fathers on maternity leave and seniors. For more information, contact us on:


Language:  English with translation into Czech


Accommodation:  If you would like assistance to find a place to stay, please get in touch:


Contact person: Anna Ryvolová, +420 776 688 922


Enrolment: Please fill in the form to enrol

Process Mind – Creative mind

Gentle methods for working with stuckness, creativity and dis-connection in everyday life


                                    Seminar with Stanya Studentova, Dipl. PW 

                                    13th – 15th September 2019 in Prague




Mgr. Stana Studentova Dipl. PW.

Stanya originally trained as an art teacher, then as psychologist. She works with wide range of human experiences, o\en those that we see as extreme, disturbing or conflictual, seeking the creativity that is inherent in our difficulties. Her aim with individuals, groups or teams is to help open up the possibility for finding “beauty”, making connections and growing in resilience.



In this workshop, we will practice the methods of inner reflection, work in pairs and use creative activities to access the dream-like field in the background of experiences and to connect with the deepest nature and resource in ourselves. We will practice ways of applying that to different life situations.

Organizational details:

Venue: Prague (Prostor 8, Šmilovského 8, Praha 2)

When: 13th – 15th September 2019 (Friday 4pm to Sunday 4pm)


3 900 CZK registration and payment by 31 July 2019
4 200 CZK registration and payment by 30 August 2019
4 500 CZK registration and payment by 13 September 2019

Registration: Please fill the online registration formular and we well
provide you with all the necessary information.

Language: English with translation into Czech

Accommodation: If you would like assistance to find a place to
stay, please get in touch:

Contact person: Anna Ryvolová, +420 776 688 922

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